Ed Ruscha Original Prints & Editions
Find original prints and editions by Ed Ruscha for sale at ARCHEUS / POST-MODERN. Ed Ruscha is a hugely significant American artist, concerned with the written word, the creator of the hugely famous Standard gasoline station images and his idealized renderings of the Hollywood sign. At the forefront of the Los Angeles scene emerging from sixties pop culture, Ruscha is considered to be one of the greatest living artists in the world. At ARCHEUS / POST-MODERN we buy and sell original prints and editions by this celebrated artist and usually have several fine and rare examples in stock and available to purchase. Ed Ruscha is credited with the advent of the “artist’s book”, and his groundbreaking 1963 “Twentysix Gasoline Stations” illustrates the term on Wikipedia. His innovative takes on the screenprint technique, as well as bringing highly conceptual developments in the field of lithography are celebrated. Early prints by Ruscha, self-published, as well as those made at Cirrus Editions and Tamarind Lithography Workshop are rare to the market, and we are privileged to be able to offer these works for sale constantly. ARCHEUS / POST-MODERN are leading dealers in the graphic works of Ed Ruscha.
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