Pierre Soulages Original Works On Paper

Find original works on paper by Pierre Soulages for sale at ARCHEUS / POST-MODERN. Pierre Soulages is a hugely significant French artist, the last remaining figure from a group of artists exploring abstraction in post-war Paris. Soulages developed a body of work, Outrenoir, which are abstract paintings created entirely or mainly in black and which rely on texture, impasto and the reflection of light upon the paint for their definition. Since 1979 Soulages has painted in this individual way, leaving a body of work which is an unique contribution to abstraction. A museum in Rodez, France opened in 2014 and is devoted solely to his work. At ARCHEUS / POST-MODERN we buy and sell original works on paper by this celebrated painter and usually have at least one fine example in stock and available to purchase. Paintings by Soulages are rare to the market, and we are privileged to be able to offer these works for sale from time to time.