Ki-june Park

Born in Korea, Ki-June Park studied at Ulsan College of Fine Art, and then in England at Chelsea School of Art and Design, where he graduated in 2007.

Park's carved sculptures may have their origins in the influence of ancient Korean woodcarving, which was associated with shamanistic rituals believed to ward off evil spirits, but his subject matter is utterly contemporary, often taking on the form of characters similar to those in children's television shows. This duality, the sweet and cuddly child laden with warning, is a contrast considered often by artists of Eastern origin, notably Yoshitomo Nara.

With their child–like proportions of oversized head and short limbs, these brightly coloured figures present a playful appearance, tempered with meditative facial expressions that emulate the distinctive facial features of the Buddha, the central symbol of Asian culture. In consequence there is an awkward conflict in these deadpan adult expressions that make the works both intimate and remote.

Park's sculptures can be found in the collections of the Zabludowicz Art Trust, UBS, and David Roberts.